
Capture the Countryside

The week in the Lake District was overwhelmingly scenic to me. The green of the grass was brighter than anything I have ever seen. As cliche as this may sound, I really felt like I had an almost spiritual experience being there surrounded by such vivid scenery. I feel that my photographs can't even begin to capture the lush beauty of the Northern  British countryside, but perhaps they can give you a tiny glimpse of what i saw.

These photographs portrayed to me how nature and man can coincide. I feel like the man-made structures and the natural landscape really compliment each other and need each other to produce the aesthetically pleasing quality.

I loved finding places that really captured how nature is taking over the man-made world. Fountains Abbey was a perfect example of this. I think it is fascinating to think about how this structure invaded the natural landscape and now the role has reversed and mosses, grass, and flowers are now thriving on top of manufactured stone.

Some of my favorite pictures were of the ponds in Fountains Abbey and on the Preston Temple grounds. The wind created an awesome ripple effect on the water where the swan floats. I really like the reflections in the last picture and the vivid colors of the lily pads.

I kept my eye out for serpentine lines in my photographs to create a more organic feel to my landscapes. The two pictures with the Haha walls were taken on a morning run in the Lake District. I took the picture of the tree roots at Fountains Abbey and loved the entangled look of it. 


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